Protecting Ecosystems

We have a responsibility for the environment


Efficient use of raw materials is just as important to us as reducing greenhouse gases. We have set ourselves ambitious targets in these areas as part of our sustainability strategy. For example, we are following a roadmap to decarbonize our production processes and are making increasing investments in the circular economy. This will allow us to reduce the carbon footprint of our products (PCF) on an ongoing basis.


Our strategic focus fields with regard to the environment: Decarbonization, circular economy and eco-friendly products.

Environmental management

We are aware of our responsibility for the environment and the climate, which is why we do everything we can to avoid water, soil and air pollution and to deal responsibly with waste and contaminated sites. We also aim to minimize the indirect impact that our production activities have on biodiversity – going beyond compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Reduction of carbon footprint


- 46.2 %

2.063 Mio. t CO2


Climate protection is a key part of Wieland's sustainability strategy. In the fiscal year 2021/22 we reduced our carbon emissions by 2,3 % compared to the 2018/19 baseline. By 2030, we are aiming to have reduced our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions by 46,2 % compared with the 2018/19 baseline. By 2045, we are aiming for our business operations to be climate-neutral based on the net zero principle. All activities within our value added chain will have no negative impact on the climate from this point on.

Circular economy

Closing the loop is part of the core business of the Wieland Group. We are already able to achieve a share of recycled material in our semi-finished products of well over 90 % in some cases, depending on the material. To achieve this
share for all of our products, we are focusing on organic and
inorganic growth, as well as technology partnerships. When it comes to copper and copper alloys in particular, we are
aiming to continuously expand the processing of recyclable materials and increase the share of recycled raw materials used to manufacture customer products from the current level of 74 % to 90 % by 2030.

Recycling rate




0 %


0 %


0 %


Eco-friendly products

Our aim is to use ongoing innovation to become ever more efficient. We are striving to transform in a way meets our customers’ growing demand for eco-friendly products. This is why we aim to offer product solutions with a low ecological footprint that meet the very highest standards of energy efficiency, environmental protection and circular economy in the medium term. We are working hard to define our PCF more precisely and to expand it at business unit and product level.

Learn more about our sustainability strategy and our strategic focus fields.